What Happens When You Stop?

“Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.” Outwardly, this is obvious to us. Bodybuilders are easily recognized, as are yogis and other athletes. Even when we observe those who meticulously groom themselves or those who decline to subscribe to grooming standards, there is a “lifestyle” and values associated with the behavior. We are creatures […]

Posture, Growth and Healthy Emotions

Your spine is the structural support system of your body. At any age – child, teenager, adult or senior – how your spine supports you can be seen in your posture. Posture reveals weaknesses that can progressively worsen under the stresses of daily life as you grow and age. Because your structure, spine and nervous […]

Hunchbacks in the Hood

We live in a world where technology dominates our daily lives. From watching TV, utilizing computers for work, video games for kids, and of course, staring at our smart phone for hours mindlessly scrolling through social media or playing games. It is pretty clear that the world would not be what it is today without […]

Easy Hard or Hard Easy?

The great philosopher Aristotle once asked, “What is the ultimate purpose of human existence?” He, among many other philosophers of his time, agreed that it was happiness. We all want great relationships, wealth and good health. We want these things because we believe that they will bring us happiness. How many people do you know […]

I Just Woke Up With It

Do you know someone that woke up with an injury or illness and attributed it to sleeping? It is not uncommon to hear people say something like, ‘I just woke up with it.’ While sleeping in awkward positions may trigger aches and pains in the morning, there are usually underlying conditions that are the cause […]