Man Up, Stand Strong – Man Up! – Don’t Wait for a Crisis – Make the Critical Transition Now Man Up! If you are a man and you are reading this newsletter, then I am glad we got your attention. The term “man up” is the expression used by many men that describes taking on challenges, facing fears […]
Change Your Families Course of History

Stop Blaming Your Genes Here is a very important message if you want to live an active, healthy, quality of life for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond: Stop blaming your genes. Too many people rationalize unhealthy choices with words like, “Why bother, it’s in my genes.” You can’t get away with this anymore. The […]
The Benefits of Lifestyle Care

The benefits of Lifestyle Care are many and well documented. From improving athletic performance, increasing brain function and increasing bone density to strengthening the immune system and preventing deterioration, the results can be dramatic. And as common sense and world renowned chiropractor, Dr. Ernie Landi has stated so eloquently, “If you prevent it, you don’t […]
Tired of Chasing Symptoms?

Symptoms are Signals Isn’t it time you stopped chasing symptoms? These signals that you get from your body are frequently misunderstood. More importantly, treating symptoms without getting to the cause of a problem can lead to mismanagement of your health and more severe health problems as you age. When you get sick, for example, and […]
Essential Innervation – Your IT System

In today’s virtual world we all know the importance of a healthy IT system. This Information and Technology (IT) infrastructure is necessary for our homes, offices, and the communication between our loved ones to function properly. Wired and wireless, we count on this IT system every minute of every day. Within you, your Nervous System […]
Drugging Our Children – An Excerpt

If you or someone you know has a child who is being considered for psychiatric drugs, here is some important information that you should consider. It is from the chapter contributed by Gwen Olsen in the book, Drugging Our Children. Gwen is also the author of Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher and was a top-selling […]
The Interference Principle

Germ Theory Flawed Much of our health care system has been based on the Germ Theory, which simply speaking says that germs cause disease and if we kill the bad germs we will get healthy. We now know that this theory is flawed. Our attempt to wipe out “bugs” has created an assault on our […]
Enjoy the Healthiest Holidays Ever

Good Health is a Blessing If you, your family and friends are healthy, consider it a blessing. The opportunity to gather and enjoy each other’s company without the worry or burden of suffering loved ones contributes greatly to a healthier holiday season. Take Your Health to a New Level If you and your loved ones […]
Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy

Give Your Baby a Healthy Start Planning a family is an exciting time for any couple. There are books to read, videos to watch and doting relatives all too willing to share their stories. With the possibility that your baby could live to be 80, 90, 100 years and beyond, soon-to-be parents need to understand […]
Flu Shot Fallacies

Flu Shot marketing is in full swing. Before you blindly allow yourself or a loved one to be injected, it is important to do your homework. You will learn why 60% of MDs avoid the vaccine and why it can be more dangerous than the flu itself. Here are some Flu Shot Fallacies: Fallacy: Flu […]