What is Nutritional Testing?

At Breakthrough Healthcare Solutions we use a non-invasive system to  analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health.

This form of testing may be quite different from any other healing practice you have experienced. It is not one based on masking symptoms through drugs or medication but instead finding the underlying cause of the problem and helping the body heal itself. Factually, this is a new paradigm in healing and we believe this is Healthcare as Mother Nature Intended.

A massage therapy session

How soon will I see improvement?

Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 2-4 weeks. The fastest recoveries are from those who most closely follow their recommended nutritional program.

Is it Important to stick to the plan?

Generally chronic health problems do not suddenly develop overnight. They develop over years of improper nutrition and eating unhealthy, or due to taking prescription drugs, or other environmental toxins present in the body. This causes nutritional deficiencies and imbalances which then become chronic health problems. Often there are additional issues from chemical toxins to heavy metals, parasites, radiation, pollutants and other environmental health hazards.  All of these things have created your current health condition.

Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you get started on taking control of your health and get a nutrition program specifically created to fix your health issues the faster you see results.  Once you start your Total Health Restoration program if you continue your poor dietary habits and don’t use self-discipline (and our guidance) to overcome these, you may not improve as much as you’d hoped.  Full and dedicated commitment to the program is what will restore you to optimum health, vitality and well being.