Those Annoying Aches and Pains

Do You Have Any Annoying “…Aches?” Do you have any annoying “…aches?” Are they in your head, neck, back or stomach? How about your eyes, ears, nose and throat? How about your heart, bladder or bowel? Annoying “…aches” can reduce your quality of life dramatically. They can keep you from work and keep your children […]
Raising Super Healthy Families

Raising Super Healthy Families is the goal of every parent. Moms and dads innately want the best for their beloved. With the right health philosophy and action steps, you and your loved ones can enjoy an excellent quality of life together. Here’s a super healthy philosophy with some science and common sense to back it […]
How is Stress Affecting You?

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
Avoiding Everyday Health Traps

Are You Heading For An Everyday Health Trap? Do you sit at a computer and talk on the phone all day? Do you wedge the phone between your ear and shoulder while you write? Is your desk, chair, keyboard or monitor too high or low? Do you text, surf the internet or watch movies with […]
Health Care Leadership Adjustment

We Are In Desperate Need of Health Care Leadership Our world is in desperate need of health care leadership. Costs are rising into the multiples of trillions while the quality of the care is questionable at best. In my research for The 100 Year Lifestyle Second Edition, I was blown away by the research and […]
The U-U of Chiropractic

The U-U of Chiropractic is the Under-Utilization of the health philosophy, science and healing art that is at the foundation of chiropractic care. Why is Under-Utilization an issue for you and your family? Why should our culture take note? Benefits of Utilization The statistics on the benefits of a healthy spine and nerve system and chiropractic […]
Children’s Health and Longevity

According to the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, 50 percent of the babies born since the year 2000 are expected to live over the age of 100. Additional research is concerned that our current generation of children may be the first in recent history to see their life expectancy go down. How can this be? […]
Two Weeks Too Long

Research by Dr. Videman out of Helsinki, Finland found that even minor traumas to the spine can cause scar tissue formation within two weeks. How many two weeks is okay with you? The Birth Process Can Be Traumatic The birth process can be very traumatic to a newborn’s spine and cause nerve pressure that affects […]
Crossfitters and Chiropractic

CrossFit is Hot CrossFit is hot and getting hotter. It has become the next big thing on the workout scene finding its way on ESPN where the CrossFit Games have aired to find the fittest people on earth. CrossFit’s philosophy is that their workouts are high-intensity functional movements, constantly varied and filled with pushups, pull-ups, […]
Lost Coverage. Found Health

Millions of people in the United States are losing their insurance coverage. With all the confusion about insurance, the focus and concern for many Americans and people everywhere is, “Will I have insurance coverage in case I get sick or injured?” While the concern over coverage is important, this question ignores the basic fact that […]