Children and Chiropractic Check Ups

Recent research has shown that chiropractic care is extremely safe for babies and children. As a result, more children and families are having their spine and nervous system examined by chiropractors. The Journal of Science and Healing reported on a study of 577 children under the age of 18 receiving chiropractic care. The study showed […]
Get Your Kids Back on Track

School is about to begin which means that families are gearing up for busy schedules, homework, after school activities and the hectic pace of our 21st century lifestyles. To insure that your child has a healthy and successful year, it will be important to have their back aligned, balanced and on track. Every activity affects […]
The Core of Your Core

Everyone in the fitness world is talking about the importance of a healthy core. Your core, which is the center of gravity of your body, consists of numerous muscles, organs, ligaments, nerves, and of course, your spine and pelvis. Too often a fitness professional will reference the core or abdominal area and only focus on […]
Your Brain-Body Connection

You were born to be healthy. From the moment of conception, your body was given the blueprints and the innate intelligence to live an active, healthy life for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond. Keeping your spine and nervous system healthy and functioning properly, without interference, is essential to optimizing your genetic capabilities. Simply speaking, […]
Know Your Neck

How well do you know your neck? This magnificent and delicate structure that holds up your head, moves in many directions and protects your body’s lifeline is often taken for granted…until it is injured. It may seem simple when looking from the outside, but inside it is a complex structure that is vital for health. […]
Suicide in the Medicine Chest

These numbers are way too high and cause serious concern. Whether suicide touches your life directly through the loss of a loved one or when you hear through the media that a celebrity has taken their own life, too often there are prescription, non-prescription or recreational drugs involved. Some of these victims begin taking drugs […]
Lifestyle Renovation in 3 Easy Steps

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of Renovation is 1 – To restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding), 2 – to restore to life, vigor, or activity. Have you ever thought about renovating your lifestyle? Naturally, most of us think of a house when we hear the word ‘renovate’. The way […]
Chronic Health Problems

Chronic health problems can affect your quality of life for decades. Whether they are musculoskeletal in nature affecting your back, neck, and limbs or they affect your organs (heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys or sex organs), your daily activities may become limited and your longevity can be compromised. The longer you wait the more suffering these […]
Immune System Science Simplified

A recent report by the American Physiological Society has confirmed and clarified the importance of the nervous system in regulating the immune system. While we see the evidence of this everyday with our patients, it is nice to know that science is catching up with the ability to explain why and how this connection works. […]
Feeling or Function

“How Are You?” is a common question we use to engage with another person when we meet on the street, at work, in school or at family gatherings. Most of us reply with the answer, “Fine!” or some version of that to keep the conversation short and social because most people are asking out of […]