The Bookends of Fitness

At the start of a brand new year, “fitness” is the buzzword. Every year millions of people begin exercise programs with the goal of getting themselves back into shape. The 100 Year Lifestyle model incorporates an acronym into the buzzword: FitNESS. It stands for Neurology, Nutrition, Endurance, Strength and Structure. To ensure that your fitness […]
Lifetime Care Study Reveals

In a new pilot study performed by the Life University Research Department, Dr. Eric Plasker and The Family Practice, the data suggests very promising results relating to quality of life and length of time under chiropractic care. Eleven clinics and more than 100 patients ranging from one to three years under care to more than […]
Healthier Pregnancy, Healthier Life

New longevity research declares that babies born today could routinely live to 100-120 years and beyond. Parents need to know how their lifestyle will affect their baby today, tomorrow and for a lifetime. It’s wise for pregnant moms to reduce and avoid stress. Stress affects longevity by shortening telomeres, the caps on chromosomes. They are […]
The Nerve of Spring

Spring is just around the corner. Do you have the nerve for it? The sunshine and warmer weather can be strong motivators for people to go out and play. They bring the benefits of natural Vitamin D, fresh air, longer days and the potential to do more. It can also offer changes to your fitness […]
Spring Sports Injuries

Spring is here and sports injuries, many of which can be prevented, can ruin your season and keep you off the field. The issues surrounding head injuries, including concussions, have never been a part of mainstream conversation more than right now. As we begin the Spring sports season, concussions and neck injuries are being reported […]
100 Percent for 100 Years

Wouldn’t it be great for you and your loved ones to function at your highest level throughout your lifetime, 100 percent for 100 Years? What an exciting goal? This includes being healthy and performing at work, in your hobbies, your passion and activities that are most important and fun for you. For your children it […]
Run Faster. Jump Higher. Recover Quicker.

As the current sports season kicks into full stride, the desire to do everything we can to maximize recovery time and increase performance is greater than ever. As the intensity of our training activities puts added stress on our bodies, ensuring proper healing and recovery becomes increasingly important. How would you or your loved ones […]
The Foundation of Flexibility

A healthy spine and nervous system is the foundation of flexibility. For some, just getting to the gym constitutes going past their comfort zone. For many, participating in circus gymnastics has become an accessible and exciting way for them to get physical, build skills and enjoy the excitement of moving the body. Instead of the […]
A Picture Worth 1000 Words
These x-ray pictures are worth 1,000 words about how people age that every person should know. The three pictures represent neck x-rays of three different individuals who are in their mid- fifties with a very similar history of trauma over the years including mild sports injuries, car accidents, and head trauma. The x-ray image on […]
Your 100 IS Coming

The Pew Research Center recently reported that the world centenarian population is projected to grow eightfold by 2050. This is extraordinary growth. With an estimated 451,000 people around the globe over the age of 100 in 2015, that number is expected to be 3.7 million over the next 34 years. This is a staggering statistic […]