100 Healthy Days™ Week 5- Your DNA is Not Your Destiny. Write a New Family Tree

Many conditions and diseases that are affecting people’s health get blamed on genetics. In the majority of cases, it is not your genetics fault. Unhealthy lifestyles along with spine and nervous system degeneration are often the underlying cause and must be addressed. Schedule your appointment today and follow these tips to get on track. Stop […]
100 Healthy Days Week 2- Discovering Youthful Energy at Any Age

Take Your Personal Energy Inventory Become aware of all the places that you let your energy leak out into the atmosphere. Choose energy-enhancing thoughts, actions, and feelings and begin to make them a part of who you are. Read more about taking your personal energy inventory on our 100YL article, Your Personal Energy Inventory. Understand […]
100 Percent for 100 Years

Wouldn’t it be great for you and your loved ones to function at your highest level throughout your lifetime, 100 percent for 100 Years? What an exciting goal? This includes being healthy and performing at work, in your hobbies, your passion and activities that are most important and fun for you. For your children it […]
Why Posture Matters

Did you know that your posture today can determine your future success in business, your day-to-day energy levels and how fast you age? Over the course of life, many of us can recall receiving posture reminders such as these: A parent or grandparent admonishes, “Raise your chin up and quit slouching!” A teacher demands, “Sit […]