100 Healthy Days™ Week 9- Review, Reflections, and Recommitments

Taking responsibility for your health and lifestyle choices is vital to you and your family’s well-being. We love seeing our patients and practice members getting younger and healthier every year as they commit themselves to Chiropractic Lifestyle Care and healthier lifestyle choices. Learn to love the things that are good for you and make them […]
Heal Your Mind – Heal Your Body

“Today, there are volumes of data exploring and documenting the effect that one’s attitude, thought and focused visualization has on the prevention and reversal of biological disease.” “More often, it is your thought patterns and environment that ignite either spectacular health or disastrous disorder. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, which is written in stone in the […]
Environmental Stress and You

Major storms and extreme weather seem to be hitting at an accelerated rate. For those in the path of a hurricane or in a flood zone, or for anyone dealing with the anxiety and hardship of evacuation or relocation, these events can have a variety of negative impacts on health. In terms of your well-being, […]
What’s Harming Your Brain?

Neurotoxins are everywhere. What exactly is a neurotoxin? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a neurotoxin as “a poisonous substance that acts on the nervous system and disrupts the normal function of nerve cells”. The 7 neurotoxins listed below are only a few of the many chemicals we all encounter on a daily basis that can be detrimental […]