The Healing Power Within You

If you are in pain or suffering from a health problem, then the greatest gift you can receive is to discover and release the healing power within you. This healing power is the same vitalistic energy that grew you from one cell at the moment of conception to over 80 quadrillion cells that are perfectly […]
Man Up, Stand Strong – Man Up! – Don’t Wait for a Crisis – Make the Critical Transition Now Man Up! If you are a man and you are reading this newsletter, then I am glad we got your attention. The term “man up” is the expression used by many men that describes taking on challenges, facing fears […]
The Benefits of Lifestyle Care

The benefits of Lifestyle Care are many and well documented. From improving athletic performance, increasing brain function and increasing bone density to strengthening the immune system and preventing deterioration, the results can be dramatic. And as common sense and world renowned chiropractor, Dr. Ernie Landi has stated so eloquently, “If you prevent it, you don’t […]
Emerging Health Care Leadership

A Shortage of Medical Doctors With the shortage of medical doctors increasing dramatically, more and more people are using chiropractors for their health care leadership. According to the AAMC, the American Academy of Medical Consultants, there is a shortage of medical doctors by 50,000 in the U.S. alone. Between now and 2025 that shortage is […]
Baby Boomers vs. Their Parents

Which Group is Healthier? Unhealthy lifestyles have caused too many members of the baby boom generation to be in worse health compared to their parents during the same stage of life. A recent study in JAMA Internal Medicine reported only 13% of today’s baby boomers are in excellent health while their parents’ generation was 32%. […]
Avoiding Everyday Health Traps

Are You Heading For An Everyday Health Trap? Do you sit at a computer and talk on the phone all day? Do you wedge the phone between your ear and shoulder while you write? Is your desk, chair, keyboard or monitor too high or low? Do you text, surf the internet or watch movies with […]
The Power of Recommitment

Commit to What Matters to You We all know the power of commitment. Think about the last time you committed yourself to something that was significant to you. Was it your family, your health, your job, or learning a new skill? Commitment is energizing because you block out the world, focus your energy, and create […]
Vacation Motivation

“Ahhhh….Vacation!” When we are young, vacation for most implies a laid back schedule filled with adventure, fun and “me” time. We dream about vacation for weeks. We can hardly wait. When the day arrives, we say goodbye to work, hello to fun and exhale a contented sigh of “Ahhhh….Vacation!” Take A Vacation Quiz As the […]
Children’s Health and Longevity

According to the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, 50 percent of the babies born since the year 2000 are expected to live over the age of 100. Additional research is concerned that our current generation of children may be the first in recent history to see their life expectancy go down. How can this be? […]
Health Care Is Rising

Health Care is Rising. As the U.S. and many other nations try to figure out how to pay for the challenges of the aging population, individuals are realizing that they need to take responsibility for their own health through their lifestyle choices, while also utilizing chiropractic as their first choice for care. People are living […]