Learning From Symptoms

There’s a lot we can learn from symptoms. If you have been suffering from symptoms for any length of time, I’m sure you are tired of the learning process. However, the more you learn about them, the better you are able to make choices that get your body functioning at a higher level of health. […]
Discipline & A Healthy Life

“Discipline is getting yourself to do something you don’t necessarily want to do to achieve a result you really want to get.” – Andy Andrews Most people want to be healthy, want to feel good, want to function well and live a long life. This does not happen by accident. The healthiest and happiest people […]
Vital Vacation Tips

Summer Time is vacation time for many of us. The kids are out of school and family trips are planned. In the world of The 100 Year Lifestyle, we call vacations Play Time. Play Time has many benefits and may help prevent forced time off that is caused by a health crisis. When someone makes […]
Children and Chiropractic Check Ups

Recent research has shown that chiropractic care is extremely safe for babies and children. As a result, more children and families are having their spine and nervous system examined by chiropractors. The Journal of Science and Healing reported on a study of 577 children under the age of 18 receiving chiropractic care. The study showed […]
Get Your Kids Back on Track

School is about to begin which means that families are gearing up for busy schedules, homework, after school activities and the hectic pace of our 21st century lifestyles. To insure that your child has a healthy and successful year, it will be important to have their back aligned, balanced and on track. Every activity affects […]
Chronic Health Problems

Chronic health problems can affect your quality of life for decades. Whether they are musculoskeletal in nature affecting your back, neck, and limbs or they affect your organs (heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys or sex organs), your daily activities may become limited and your longevity can be compromised. The longer you wait the more suffering these […]
Stress Less Fitness Tips

These five Stress Less Fitness tips will lessen your Stress and allow you to Live More. There is an acronym for Fitness in The 100 Year Lifestyle that will ensure you Stress Less, Live More, stay healthy and on top of your game. The acronym takes the word Fitness and uses the N2ESS as follows: […]
Natural Fertility Support

Starting or expanding your family may be an important component of your 100 Year Lifestyle. Fertility challenges can be discouraging and frustrating. To increase your chances for an easy conception and pregnancy, keep your spine and nervous system healthy with Lifestyle Care and try some of these healthy tips! AVOID – MicroNutrient deficiencies which can result […]
Timing is Everything

Time. We measure it, live by it, spend it, give it and sometimes waste it. Most of us wish we had more hours in day, more weeks to complete a project, more minutes before missing the flight, more time to say what we really wanted to say. Yes, timing is everything. What if we had […]
Why Medical Conditions Respond

Many adults come in for their first chiropractic visit because of backaches, headaches, disc problems, digestive conditions or hormone imbalances. The list of medically diagnosed conditions or health problems that lead people to a chiropractor is lengthy. Parents often bring their children in for chiropractic care because they have watched them suffer from conditions such […]