Become a Least Vulnerable Person and Family

You and your family can take steps right now and become ‘Least Vulnerable People’. Here are 15 things you can stop doing and start doing that will make a difference. Becoming A ‘Least Vulnerable Person’ There is growing concern about COVID-19, the flu, and other infectious diseases affecting the most vulnerable people. Who are these […]
Growing Concerns with Every Shot

Optimal immune system development is essential for health. Our immune system distinguishes potential threats from non-threats, unhealthy cells from normal, and keeps a long list of tools that it uses to restore internal bacterial and viral balance. We have roughly 10 times more bacteria in our bodies than we have human cells! In addition, bacteria […]
Immune System Science Simplified

A recent report by the American Physiological Society has confirmed and clarified the importance of the nervous system in regulating the immune system. While we see the evidence of this everyday with our patients, it is nice to know that science is catching up with the ability to explain why and how this connection works. […]