Become a Least Vulnerable Person and Family

You and your family can take steps right now and become ‘Least Vulnerable People’. Here are 15 things you can stop doing and start doing that will make a difference. Becoming A ‘Least Vulnerable Person’ There is growing concern about COVID-19, the flu, and other infectious diseases affecting the most vulnerable people. Who are these […]
Tired of Chasing Symptoms?

Symptoms are Signals Isn’t it time you stopped chasing symptoms? These signals that you get from your body are frequently misunderstood. More importantly, treating symptoms without getting to the cause of a problem can lead to mismanagement of your health and more severe health problems as you age. When you get sick, for example, and […]
Flu Shot Fallacies

Flu Shot marketing is in full swing. Before you blindly allow yourself or a loved one to be injected, it is important to do your homework. You will learn why 60% of MDs avoid the vaccine and why it can be more dangerous than the flu itself. Here are some Flu Shot Fallacies: Fallacy: Flu […]