Heal Your Mind – Heal Your Body

“Today, there are volumes of data exploring and documenting the effect that one’s attitude, thought and focused visualization has on the prevention and reversal of biological disease.” “More often, it is your thought patterns and environment that ignite either spectacular health or disastrous disorder. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, which is written in stone in the […]
Artificial Intelligence versus Innate Intelligence

With all the talk about AI, Artificial Intelligence, it will never be able to compete with the awesome power of your body’s Innate Intelligence! Acknowledging this reality will empower you to take charge of your health so you and your loved ones can perform at 100% for 100 years and beyond. And the numbers back […]
Bigness Within You

There is a Bigness within you and it’s not about your size. It’s the amazing Innate Intelligence that runs your body which cannot be duplicated in a laboratory. In fact, if you tried, it would drain all the money in the world with no guarantee of success. Yale University Biophysicist, Dr. Harold J. Morowitz, has […]
Innate Life Expectancy

Your innate life expectancy is greater than you think. We see this longevity potential through the 100-year-old people who are celebrating birthdays, doing yoga, setting running records and skydiving. You can also look around your neighborhood and notice the number of nursing homes, assisted living and Alzheimer’s care centers that are popping up. Consider these […]