100 Healthy Days™ Week 5- Your DNA is Not Your Destiny. Write a New Family Tree

Many conditions and diseases that are affecting people’s health get blamed on genetics. In the majority of cases, it is not your genetics fault. Unhealthy lifestyles along with spine and nervous system degeneration are often the underlying cause and must be addressed. Schedule your appointment today and follow these tips to get on track. Stop […]
100 Healthy Days Week 1 – Compelling Vision & Life-Long Change

In addition to the exceptional chiropractic care that our office provides, we are committed to helping you improve your health and lifestyle with the following 100 Healthy Days resources! What If You Knew You Would Live To 100? Take Advantage of the Advanced Notice Calculate your M-PYR. Calculate your family’s M-PYR. Learn from the advanced […]
Your Personal 2020 Vision of Health

Happy New Year and here’s to you accomplishing your personal 2020 vision, especially as it relates to your health. You deserve it! For many people, making healthier choices can make the difference between a successful, happy year and a challenging one. Our office is ready to help you make your health a priority so this […]
Longevity and Performance

One of the biggest stories during the Super Bowl is the longevity and performance of Tom Brady. He is redefining what is possible for athletes over forty. His nutrition and fitness routines along with his utilization of chiropractic care are well documented and vital to his success. While healthy eating and fitness seem like common […]
How Long Do You Plan to Live?

One of the fastest growing segments of the population today is centenarians, or 100-year old people. In 1980, there were approximately 17,000 people over the age of 100. Today, there are approximately 80,000 people who have reached this milestone. The US Census Bureau estimates that by the time the baby boom generation reaches this landmark […]
Painful Days, Sleepless Nights

Pain can ruin your life. Whether it comes and goes in an unpredictable fashion or whether it is constant, having to manage and deal with pain on a regular basis can be exhausting. As pain becomes chronic, the joy of living disappears. Pain can take many forms including headaches, neck or arm pain, back and […]
The 100 Year Lifestyle Defined

Centenarians, people who are living to 100 or more, are one of the world’s fastest growing age groups. Living to 80, 90 and above has become the norm. Will knowing that you may live a century or more lend urgency to your desire to change the way you approach your lifestyle? Will you choose a […]
Change Your Families Course of History

Stop Blaming Your Genes Here is a very important message if you want to live an active, healthy, quality of life for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond: Stop blaming your genes. Too many people rationalize unhealthy choices with words like, “Why bother, it’s in my genes.” You can’t get away with this anymore. The […]
Top 10 Reasons to Get Your Spine Checked

10. The times that you need your spine the most will be the time that it will tend to give out on you. If you neglect your spine and nervous system, you can be sure that when you need it the most due to stress, physical activity, business or pleasure travel, it can give out […]
A Truly Sustainable Health Care Solution

Is Your Health Care Philosophy Sustainable? When you think of “Health Care” what is the first image that pops into your mind? Do you envision hospitals, prescriptions, expensive surgeries, or a sick person? This is often what people have been conditioned to think about because the current health care delivery system is actually a Sick […]