Extreme Sports and Peak Performance

Extreme Athletes Expect Precision Extreme Sports are on the rise. At the gym, on the bike, in the park, up a mountain; these are all places where people push their body to extreme limits. Whether you are extreme on your own or an Ironman, triathlete, distance runner, Tough Mudder, or participate in other extreme sports, […]
Tired of Chasing Symptoms?

Symptoms are Signals Isn’t it time you stopped chasing symptoms? These signals that you get from your body are frequently misunderstood. More importantly, treating symptoms without getting to the cause of a problem can lead to mismanagement of your health and more severe health problems as you age. When you get sick, for example, and […]
Drugging Our Children – An Excerpt

If you or someone you know has a child who is being considered for psychiatric drugs, here is some important information that you should consider. It is from the chapter contributed by Gwen Olsen in the book, Drugging Our Children. Gwen is also the author of Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher and was a top-selling […]
The Interference Principle

Germ Theory Flawed Much of our health care system has been based on the Germ Theory, which simply speaking says that germs cause disease and if we kill the bad germs we will get healthy. We now know that this theory is flawed. Our attempt to wipe out “bugs” has created an assault on our […]
Enjoy the Healthiest Holidays Ever

Good Health is a Blessing If you, your family and friends are healthy, consider it a blessing. The opportunity to gather and enjoy each other’s company without the worry or burden of suffering loved ones contributes greatly to a healthier holiday season. Take Your Health to a New Level If you and your loved ones […]
Flu Shot Fallacies

Flu Shot marketing is in full swing. Before you blindly allow yourself or a loved one to be injected, it is important to do your homework. You will learn why 60% of MDs avoid the vaccine and why it can be more dangerous than the flu itself. Here are some Flu Shot Fallacies: Fallacy: Flu […]
The Power of Recommitment

Commit to What Matters to You We all know the power of commitment. Think about the last time you committed yourself to something that was significant to you. Was it your family, your health, your job, or learning a new skill? Commitment is energizing because you block out the world, focus your energy, and create […]
Two Weeks Too Long

Research by Dr. Videman out of Helsinki, Finland found that even minor traumas to the spine can cause scar tissue formation within two weeks. How many two weeks is okay with you? The Birth Process Can Be Traumatic The birth process can be very traumatic to a newborn’s spine and cause nerve pressure that affects […]
Crossfitters and Chiropractic

CrossFit is Hot CrossFit is hot and getting hotter. It has become the next big thing on the workout scene finding its way on ESPN where the CrossFit Games have aired to find the fittest people on earth. CrossFit’s philosophy is that their workouts are high-intensity functional movements, constantly varied and filled with pushups, pull-ups, […]
Motivation for Lasting Change

“Happy New Year!” How many times have you said these words to family, friends and coworkers? How many times have you said it over the past decade or two? How many times has it been said to you? Every one of us wants to have a happy, healthy New Year. To ensure that this is […]