Exciting News About Nerve Regeneration

We are excited to bring you exciting news about nerve regeneration from the scientific community. How many of us know someone who has been affected by a brain injury or a disease like Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s, or Dementia? Or how many of us wish we could just focus better, improve our brainpower, […]
Become a Least Vulnerable Person and Family

You and your family can take steps right now and become ‘Least Vulnerable People’. Here are 15 things you can stop doing and start doing that will make a difference. Becoming A ‘Least Vulnerable Person’ There is growing concern about COVID-19, the flu, and other infectious diseases affecting the most vulnerable people. Who are these […]
The Nerve of Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and its first line of defense against external threats. The skin communicates with the brain via sensory receptors and plays a significant role in nervous system function. According to the American Physiology Society, “The peripheral nervous system plays a pivotal role in skin homeostasis and disease,” […]