Tom Brady Named Honorary 100 Year Lifestyle Quarterback

Tom Brady won his seventh Super Bowl title, was voted MVP for the fifth time, and was named the honorary 100 Year Lifestyle quarterback. A chiropractic advocate, Brady has shown that your chronological age doesn’t matter near as much as your mindset, choices, and lifestyle. Brady has made good nutrition, chiropractic care, massage, and a […]
100 Healthy Days™ Week 9- Review, Reflections, and Recommitments

Taking responsibility for your health and lifestyle choices is vital to you and your family’s well-being. We love seeing our patients and practice members getting younger and healthier every year as they commit themselves to Chiropractic Lifestyle Care and healthier lifestyle choices. Learn to love the things that are good for you and make them […]
Artificial Intelligence versus Innate Intelligence

With all the talk about AI, Artificial Intelligence, it will never be able to compete with the awesome power of your body’s Innate Intelligence! Acknowledging this reality will empower you to take charge of your health so you and your loved ones can perform at 100% for 100 years and beyond. And the numbers back […]
Improving Marathon Performance

Marathons are on the rise and people are striving to improve their marathon performance. If this is you or you know someone who is into extreme sports, you will love the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. Flying through the book because I couldn’t put it down and talking with a good friend and […]
Longevity and Performance

One of the biggest stories during the Super Bowl is the longevity and performance of Tom Brady. He is redefining what is possible for athletes over forty. His nutrition and fitness routines along with his utilization of chiropractic care are well documented and vital to his success. While healthy eating and fitness seem like common […]
Performance Based Care

You can obtain peak performance with a fitness plan designed by Dr. Alan Nathans in Jacksonville, FL Many of the top athletes and performers in the world think, train, and use chiropractic care differently. Let’s begin with their thinking. Top athletes and performers believe that they are capable of accomplishing higher levels of success in […]
The 100 Year Lifestyle Defined

Centenarians, people who are living to 100 or more, are one of the world’s fastest growing age groups. Living to 80, 90 and above has become the norm. Will knowing that you may live a century or more lend urgency to your desire to change the way you approach your lifestyle? Will you choose a […]
Super Bowl, Hall of Famers, and Chiropractic

The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Many of the players who participate in the biggest game each year receive chiropractic care, including future Hall of Famer Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. In fact, players from nearly every professional sports team utilize chiropractic care to heal quickly […]
Extreme Sports and Peak Performance

Extreme Athletes Expect Precision Extreme Sports are on the rise. At the gym, on the bike, in the park, up a mountain; these are all places where people push their body to extreme limits. Whether you are extreme on your own or an Ironman, triathlete, distance runner, Tough Mudder, or participate in other extreme sports, […]
Crossfitters and Chiropractic

CrossFit is Hot CrossFit is hot and getting hotter. It has become the next big thing on the workout scene finding its way on ESPN where the CrossFit Games have aired to find the fittest people on earth. CrossFit’s philosophy is that their workouts are high-intensity functional movements, constantly varied and filled with pushups, pull-ups, […]