Become a Least Vulnerable Person and Family

You and your family can take steps right now and become ‘Least Vulnerable People’. Here are 15 things you can stop doing and start doing that will make a difference. Becoming A ‘Least Vulnerable Person’ There is growing concern about COVID-19, the flu, and other infectious diseases affecting the most vulnerable people. Who are these […]
100 Healthy Days™ Week 9- Review, Reflections, and Recommitments

Taking responsibility for your health and lifestyle choices is vital to you and your family’s well-being. We love seeing our patients and practice members getting younger and healthier every year as they commit themselves to Chiropractic Lifestyle Care and healthier lifestyle choices. Learn to love the things that are good for you and make them […]
100 Healthy Days Week 2- Discovering Youthful Energy at Any Age

Take Your Personal Energy Inventory Become aware of all the places that you let your energy leak out into the atmosphere. Choose energy-enhancing thoughts, actions, and feelings and begin to make them a part of who you are. Read more about taking your personal energy inventory on our 100YL article, Your Personal Energy Inventory. Understand […]
Avoiding Everyday Health Traps

Are You Heading For An Everyday Health Trap? Do you sit at a computer and talk on the phone all day? Do you wedge the phone between your ear and shoulder while you write? Is your desk, chair, keyboard or monitor too high or low? Do you text, surf the internet or watch movies with […]
Children’s Health and Longevity

According to the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, 50 percent of the babies born since the year 2000 are expected to live over the age of 100. Additional research is concerned that our current generation of children may be the first in recent history to see their life expectancy go down. How can this be? […]
Discipline & A Healthy Life

“Discipline is getting yourself to do something you don’t necessarily want to do to achieve a result you really want to get.” – Andy Andrews Most people want to be healthy, want to feel good, want to function well and live a long life. This does not happen by accident. The healthiest and happiest people […]
Smart Phone Syndromes

Smartphones have taken over our lives and we can’t imagine life without them. However, based on new research and health information, it is important to be smarter than ever about smartphone use. Neck & Spinal Problems Many 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate chiropractors are finding that long-term smartphone usage is having a detrimental effect on the […]
Homework Headaches

Successful homework sessions don’t just happen. A little effort, planning and support make the difference between the headache, frustration and battleground around the completion of homework and the peaceful smooth sailing episode of your dreams. The Real Headache – Afternoon headaches can be symptomatic of numerous causes. Getting to the cause is vital. A chiropractic examination […]
A Picture Worth 1000 Words
These x-ray pictures are worth 1,000 words about how people age that every person should know. The three pictures represent neck x-rays of three different individuals who are in their mid- fifties with a very similar history of trauma over the years including mild sports injuries, car accidents, and head trauma. The x-ray image on […]
Posture, Growth and Healthy Emotions

Your spine is the structural support system of your body. At any age – child, teenager, adult or senior – how your spine supports you can be seen in your posture. Posture reveals weaknesses that can progressively worsen under the stresses of daily life as you grow and age. Because your structure, spine and nervous […]