Become a Least Vulnerable Person and Family

You and your family can take steps right now and become ‘Least Vulnerable People’. Here are 15 things you can stop doing and start doing that will make a difference. Becoming A ‘Least Vulnerable Person’ There is growing concern about COVID-19, the flu, and other infectious diseases affecting the most vulnerable people. Who are these […]
Mastering Your Emotional Brain

Emotions can be disorienting, detrimental, and downright challenging. One moment our life can be peaceful and easy, the next chaos! As we all have experienced, in the blink of an eye, everything can change. Whether it be pandemics, political unrest, challenging transitions, the passing of loved ones, or a stuck emotional pattern, our Nervous System […]
Why Stress Affects Everyone Differently

It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, digestive disturbances, backaches and nearly every other condition known to mankind. How can one word cause so many unique and different problems in different people especially since the stress reaction is the same for everyone? The answer may […]
How is Stress Affecting You?

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
Stress Less During Your Commute

Your commute can be a large component of your daily stress load. It doesn’t need to be. Here are six tips to help you Stress Less and Live More during your commute: 1. Shorten your Drive – Use a traffic and navigation application such as WAZE to improve your daily commute. These apps share real-time information […]
Stress Less Fitness Tips

These five Stress Less Fitness tips will lessen your Stress and allow you to Live More. There is an acronym for Fitness in The 100 Year Lifestyle that will ensure you Stress Less, Live More, stay healthy and on top of your game. The acronym takes the word Fitness and uses the N2ESS as follows: […]
Calming Digestive Stress

Digestive stress is a frequent visitor in many households during the holidays. Diets change, as do sleep and work habits. People will blame these lifestyle changes for the digestive stress they are experiencing, and while this can be partially true, there often is an underlying cause in the spine and nervous system. How can this […]
How Stress is Affecting You

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
Environmental Stress and You

Major storms and extreme weather seem to be hitting at an accelerated rate. For those in the path of a hurricane or in a flood zone, or for anyone dealing with the anxiety and hardship of evacuation or relocation, these events can have a variety of negative impacts on health. In terms of your well-being, […]