Stop Blaming Old
When you awoke this morning did you feel groggy or did you feel rested? Do your clothes fit the way they did when you bought them? Do you dread a flight of stairs? Maybe it is your knees, ankles, low back or memory reminding you that you are not a teenager anymore. Before you decide […]
Live an Independent Life
Who would not want to live their life in health and vitality for as long as possible? The benefits of Lifestyle Care are well documented. From improving athletic performance, increasing brain function and increasing bone density to strengthening the immune system and preventing deterioration, it ensures your potential to live an independent life for as […]
What’s Age Got to Do With It?
People who are 100 years old are jumping out of airplanes, running races and traveling the world while other people in their 70s, 80s and 90s are suffering and in assisted living centers and nursing homes. Quality of life, activity level and energy have nothing to do with age. Imagine what your life at 100 […]
Innate Life Expectancy
Your innate life expectancy is greater than you think. We see this longevity potential through the 100-year-old people who are celebrating birthdays, doing yoga, setting running records and skydiving. You can also look around your neighborhood and notice the number of nursing homes, assisted living and Alzheimer’s care centers that are popping up. Consider these […]
Trends, Casualties, and Control
Longevity trends continue to show that people are living longer than ever. A recent article in The Atlantic (featured image) titled What Happens When We All Live to 100 reveals that life expectancy has increased by three months per year since 1840. If this trend continues, and it appears to be, life expectancy will be […]
Four and Five Generations the New Norm
We are the first generation in history that will get to know our family tree four to five generations deep. This consists of newborn babies, parents in their twenties, grandparents in their fifties, great grandparents in their seventies and great, great grandparents in their late nineties and over 100 years old. This will become the […]