Immune System Science Simplified

A recent report by the American Physiological Society has confirmed and clarified the importance of the nervous system in regulating the immune system. While we see the evidence of this everyday with our patients, it is nice to know that science is catching up with the ability to explain why and how this connection works. […]
Feeling or Function

“How Are You?” is a common question we use to engage with another person when we meet on the street, at work, in school or at family gatherings. Most of us reply with the answer, “Fine!” or some version of that to keep the conversation short and social because most people are asking out of […]
Your Beautiful Brain

Your brain and nervous system are absolutely amazing! Here are some spectacular facts to ponder: Your brain consists of about 100 billion neurons. There are anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 synapses for each neuron. There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain. There are 100,000 miles of blood […]
An Epidemic of Neurological Disorders

Nervous system disorders ranging from autism, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease represent just a fraction of the growing number of neurological conditions that are affecting people of all ages in our society today. So much so that Robert Zieve, MD recently wrote in an article called, “Neurological Disorders: The Growing Epidemic of the […]
Concussion Movie and Reality

The Concussion movie starring Will Smith and Alec Baldwin is raising awareness and important concerns for many victims of this misunderstood condition. If you are, or know, an athlete or accident victim who has experienced a brain injury through concussion, then you know the impact it can have on health and quality of life. Headaches, […]
Calming Digestive Stress

Digestive stress is a frequent visitor in many households during the holidays. Diets change, as do sleep and work habits. People will blame these lifestyle changes for the digestive stress they are experiencing, and while this can be partially true, there often is an underlying cause in the spine and nervous system. How can this […]
Vegas vs. Vagus

It’s fun to say, “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas” but when it comes to your “vagus nerve”, just the opposite is true. What happens in your vagus nerve affects your entire body. The vagus nerve is one of the most widespread nerves in your body. It provides the parasympathetic nerve supply to your […]
The Nerve of Spring

Spring is just around the corner. Do you have the nerve for it? The sunshine and warmer weather can be strong motivators for people to go out and play. They bring the benefits of natural Vitamin D, fresh air, longer days and the potential to do more. It can also offer changes to your fitness […]
How Stress is Affecting You

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
School Success or Stress?

Every parent wants their child do well in school. Are you doing everything you can do to ensure success, positive relationships and a healthy school year for you and your family, including minimizing stress? Our children are living with increased amounts of stress. They are constantly being exposed to toxins in their foods, increased levels […]