Teenagers are celebrating centenarians down under through art. The Centenarian Portrait Project in Southern Australia is designed to break down the generational divide. It also aimed to and succeed in creating joy in both subjects and artists. The majority of the teenagers involved had never met a 100 year old. There were challenges. But they overcame those challenges by getting to know the person behind the number. As one young artist stated about her 101-year-old subject, “She’s so funny, and she’s expressed to me that just because you’re old that doesn’t mean you have to act that way.”

To enjoy your 100:100, you need family, friends, and community. No matter what age, building relationships across generations helps you stay in touch with the radically changing world in which we live. Meaningful connectivity with people of all ages will keep you sharp and having fun regardless of your age. If you are lucky enough to have relationships with people from other generations, celebrate those relationships and honor those people. Regardless of their age, ask them to share their stories, listen to their wisdom, and honor their journey.

Participants in the program who are celebrating centenarians down under are finding that, “The more we spend time with people of different ages the more we understand that being older is just being a different version of ourselves.” Hear more of their wisdom, and see their amazing portraits, by reading on…

The post Celebrating Centenarians Down Under appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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