100 Healthy Days Week 1 – Compelling Vision & Life-Long Change

In addition to the exceptional chiropractic care that our office provides, we are committed to helping you improve your health and lifestyle with the following 100 Healthy Days resources! What If You Knew You Would Live To 100? Take Advantage of the Advanced Notice Calculate your M-PYR. Calculate your family’s M-PYR. Learn from the advanced […]
Top 10 Reasons to Get Your Spine Checked

10. The times that you need your spine the most will be the time that it will tend to give out on you. If you neglect your spine and nervous system, you can be sure that when you need it the most due to stress, physical activity, business or pleasure travel, it can give out […]
Enjoy the Healthiest Holidays Ever

Good Health is a Blessing If you, your family and friends are healthy, consider it a blessing. The opportunity to gather and enjoy each other’s company without the worry or burden of suffering loved ones contributes greatly to a healthier holiday season. Take Your Health to a New Level If you and your loved ones […]
Raising Super Healthy Families

Raising Super Healthy Families is the goal of every parent. Moms and dads innately want the best for their beloved. With the right health philosophy and action steps, you and your loved ones can enjoy an excellent quality of life together. Here’s a super healthy philosophy with some science and common sense to back it […]
Mastering Personal Change

Are there things in your life that you know you need to change? Is it your health, your priorities, your habits or the dynamics of your relationships? How long have you known that you needed to make these changes? Has it been a day, a month, a decade or longer? Here’s an important thought to […]
Trends, Casualties, and Control

Longevity trends continue to show that people are living longer than ever. A recent article in The Atlantic (featured image) titled What Happens When We All Live to 100 reveals that life expectancy has increased by three months per year since 1840. If this trend continues, and it appears to be, life expectancy will be […]