How Many Two Weeks is Okay? Research by Dr. Videman out of Helsinki, Finland found that even minor traumas to the spine can cause scar tissue formation within two weeks. How many two weeks is okay with you? Babies and Children The birth process can be very traumatic to a newborn’s spine and cause pressure on the nerves that affect […]
Man Up, Stand Strong – Man Up! – Don’t Wait for a Crisis – Make the Critical Transition Now Man Up! If you are a man and you are reading this newsletter, then I am glad we got your attention. The term “man up” is the expression used by many men that describes taking on challenges, facing fears […]
Top 10 Reasons to Get Your Spine Checked

10. The times that you need your spine the most will be the time that it will tend to give out on you. If you neglect your spine and nervous system, you can be sure that when you need it the most due to stress, physical activity, business or pleasure travel, it can give out […]
Essential Innervation – Your IT System

In today’s virtual world we all know the importance of a healthy IT system. This Information and Technology (IT) infrastructure is necessary for our homes, offices, and the communication between our loved ones to function properly. Wired and wireless, we count on this IT system every minute of every day. Within you, your Nervous System […]
Flu Shot Fallacies

Flu Shot marketing is in full swing. Before you blindly allow yourself or a loved one to be injected, it is important to do your homework. You will learn why 60% of MDs avoid the vaccine and why it can be more dangerous than the flu itself. Here are some Flu Shot Fallacies: Fallacy: Flu […]
How is Stress Affecting You?

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
Health Care Leadership Adjustment

We Are In Desperate Need of Health Care Leadership Our world is in desperate need of health care leadership. Costs are rising into the multiples of trillions while the quality of the care is questionable at best. In my research for The 100 Year Lifestyle Second Edition, I was blown away by the research and […]
The U-U of Chiropractic

The U-U of Chiropractic is the Under-Utilization of the health philosophy, science and healing art that is at the foundation of chiropractic care. Why is Under-Utilization an issue for you and your family? Why should our culture take note? Benefits of Utilization The statistics on the benefits of a healthy spine and nerve system and chiropractic […]
Bigness Within You

There is a Bigness within you and it’s not about your size. It’s the amazing Innate Intelligence that runs your body which cannot be duplicated in a laboratory. In fact, if you tried, it would drain all the money in the world with no guarantee of success. Yale University Biophysicist, Dr. Harold J. Morowitz, has […]
The Ultimate Health Care Technology

The Ultimate Health Care Technology requires no batteries or electricity of any kind. It adapts to changes in weather, food intake, stress levels, and work habits. It also adapts to changes in your environment and the intensity of your physical training and exercise. You can direct it to perform at the highest level possible with […]