Smart Phone Syndromes

Smartphones have taken over our lives and we can’t imagine life without them. However, based on new research and health information, it is important to be smarter than ever about smartphone use. Neck & Spinal Problems Many 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate chiropractors are finding that long-term smartphone usage is having a detrimental effect on the […]
Your Beautiful Brain

Your brain and nervous system are absolutely amazing! Here are some spectacular facts to ponder: Your brain consists of about 100 billion neurons. There are anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 synapses for each neuron. There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain. There are 100,000 miles of blood […]
Trying or Training

Contributed by Dr. Dennis Buckley, Affiliate in Pasadena, CA If you wanted to run a marathon how would you prepare in anticipation? Would you go out and TRY to run 26.2 miles or would you devise a plan to TRAIN yourself to accomplish such a feat? Trying to run 26.2 miles without any training would […]
Homework Headaches

Successful homework sessions don’t just happen. A little effort, planning and support make the difference between the headache, frustration and battleground around the completion of homework and the peaceful smooth sailing episode of your dreams. The Real Headache – Afternoon headaches can be symptomatic of numerous causes. Getting to the cause is vital. A chiropractic examination […]
Calming Digestive Stress

Digestive stress is a frequent visitor in many households during the holidays. Diets change, as do sleep and work habits. People will blame these lifestyle changes for the digestive stress they are experiencing, and while this can be partially true, there often is an underlying cause in the spine and nervous system. How can this […]
How Stress is Affecting You

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Have you ever wondered why stress affects everyone differently? How is stress affecting you? It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, backaches and nearly every condition known to mankind. How can stress cause so many unique problems in different […]
Lifetime Effects of Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma May Occur Frequently Traumatic Birth Syndromes are more common than you might think. A German medical researcher discovered that over 80% of the infants that he examined shortly after birth were suffering from injuries to the cervical spine, the neck, causing all types of health problems. Believe it or not, there are 44 […]
Treating Symptoms and Conditions

Every day we turn on the television or read an article online to find out there is a new treatment for our condition. The list of treatments that temporarily alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms we are feeling such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, stomach aches, fever, skin rashes, etc. is endless. While these treatments may […]
What’s Harming Your Brain?

Neurotoxins are everywhere. What exactly is a neurotoxin? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a neurotoxin as “a poisonous substance that acts on the nervous system and disrupts the normal function of nerve cells”. The 7 neurotoxins listed below are only a few of the many chemicals we all encounter on a daily basis that can be detrimental […]
Innate Life Expectancy

Your innate life expectancy is greater than you think. We see this longevity potential through the 100-year-old people who are celebrating birthdays, doing yoga, setting running records and skydiving. You can also look around your neighborhood and notice the number of nursing homes, assisted living and Alzheimer’s care centers that are popping up. Consider these […]